Environment Policy.

When tackling a problem, it is wise not to put all your eggs in one basket and in everything, I believe we should focus on the details. When tackling environmental challenges, we should not put all our eggs in on basket by focusing on CO2 alone but instead we should readjust our focus and look at the many details that cause harm to the environment.

I am also concerned with eco-anxiety and the effect this is having on society, particularly young people.

This is something that I feel that government should look into and find ways to address, the government and any public organisation should encourage people not to worry, as worrying helps no one.


Beautification is the process of making visual improvements to your town, village or local area.

These improvements not only benefit quality of life but living in a more pleasurable environment will also benefit mental health.

  • Clean graffiti.
  • Clear over-grown vegetation.
  • Re-sow grass.
  • Ensure that all river ways, canals and fountains are clear and clean.

Clean British coastal waters and beaches

The government should commit to cleaning Britain’s beaches and territorial waters of plastic and other waste.

Furthermore the government could take part in or fund the north Atlantic section of ocean cleanup project and organise schemes with Big Blue Ocean Cleanup.

Plastics are toxic, micro-plastics are consumed by fish and they enter the food-chain, so cleaning the oceans and water-way of plastic is essential for public health.

There has also been some research that suggests micro-plastics in clouds may be contributing to climate changes#.

Environment Agency Research Division

Many solutions to environmental issues will rely on technology, a new research division within the environmental agency will be able to perform it’s own research and give grants to companies who are already researching to solve issues.

Companies like Searo in Cambridge and BioFactory in Somerset are innovating new solutions to environmental issues, such as an alternative to plastic.

These companies would surely benefit from government grants and this new Research Division could license any research it develops to the private sector.

Chemical Recycling is also an interesting and promising solution which companies like Recycle Technologies are working on, this is another area that the government could invest into and lead on.

Recycling and litter picking

Local councils have a duty to recycle and the government should work towards 100% recyclability.

There are inconsistencies between regions, for example, in some regions drink cartons can be placed inside home recycling (blue) bins but in other regions they can only be recycled at recycling centres:

The government should standardise and ensure that all materials that are placed in household blue recycling bins that can be recycled are recycled.

The government should investigate how more items can be recycled and safely place in the blue bins, such as batteries.

The government should require local councils to collect brown garden waste bins as part of their contract with local households, no additional cost should be charged.

Further to this, nationwide litter-picking schemes should be established and encouraged.

Reclaim land lost to sea

The government should investigate the possibility of creating earthworks to restore cliffs that have been lost to the sea allowing people to rebuild their lives.

This will also be a boost for national pride as the United Kingdom will effectively be expanding it’s territory.

This is of concern in Suffolk, for example the coastal village of Dunwich which is an endangered village due to erosion caused by storms.

Minister for National Parks

This new ministerial position will have the responsibility of dealing with the environmental challenges that are specific to the National Parks, such as the Lake District.

The minister will be responsible for balancing environmental concerns with those of the local economies and rural communities.

Of particular focus for the minister would be the protection and the quality of water in the Lake District as well as finding solutions to deal with invasive species (further reading).

Animal protection

  • Re-introduce Red Squirrels into England. Before Red Squirrels are introduced, research must be taken to create to the required conditions that will ensure their survival
  • Re-introduce wolves into Scotland
  • Protect dolphins and sea-mammals from the Faroe Island Grind hunt If their breeding ground is within UK territorial waters then they should be protected.
